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Results for "main_practice: "Transformation", latest_content: 1"
Resmaa Menakem A profile with bibliography and distinctive contributions to spirituality of Resmaa Menakem, author and psychotherapist specializing in the effects of trauma on the human body.
Forgive Everyone Everything Holiness as a contact sport.
The Heart of Tibetan Buddhism Persevering in meditative concentration.
Surrender Ignatian Examen-based questions on the concept of self-surrender.
The Hare-Shaped Hole Guidance for coping with sudden, unexplained loss.
Fraudulence, Impostorhood, and Shame An exercise for healing and transforming self-doubt.
20's An exercise to release the energy of trauma from the body so you can be grounded, present, and connected with other people.
Healing involves discomfort Healing involves discomfort
Trauma is not destiny Trauma is not destiny